Zap those bed bugs with a UV bed vac
Thursday 22nd of March 2012
Filed under What Present To Buy Someone Who Doesn't Like Sharing Their Bed With Bedbugs
UV Bed Bug Vacuum Cleaner
Having a clean bed is important as we spend almost a third of our lives in it, sleeping. Every night, we lose up to half a million skin cells and that's good news for the trillions of microscopic dust mites living in our homes that feed on it.

The idea of sharing our living / sleeping space with these scavenging creatures is pretty horrible particularly when you learn that it is the mite's faeces that are major inducers of allergic reactions such as asthma.

And then there's the bed bugs. The dust mites only eat our shed skin cells, but bed bugs puncture our skin to suck our blood often causing allergic skin reactions.

But fear not, there is a solution. The Good Ideas Bed Cleaner is a new revolutionary bed cleaner that can thoroughly eliminate dust and germs in the room, giving a clean, healthy and comfortable environment.

The bed bug vacuum cleaner works in three ways. The motor vibrates at 2500 rpm to beat your mattress, releasing millions of dust mites and their faeces which are then sucked up into the integral dust container. At the same time, a UV-C light works to help eliminate bacteria while sterilising the mattress surface.

Used regularly, it will keep your bed clean and fresh. A must for anyone with wheezing symptoms, asthma or allergic skin reactions that go bump in the night.

The Bed Bug Vac costs £49.99 and is available online more details

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