WHAT PRESENT Explore your home in a warm onesie that just happens to also clean the floor
Monday 16th of June 2014
Filed under What Present To Buy Anyone With A Baby And A Dirty Floor
Baby Mop
Babies love crawling around so why not put that to good use with this soft and cosy, 100% cotton onesie that just so happens to be liberally covered in microfibre cleaning cloths.

Little ones create a lot of work for their mums and dads, so isn't it only fair that they should help out when they can? It's a win win situation. They get to explore their home in a warm onesie that just so happens to clean the floor really, really well.

The Baby Mop Onesie is available in three sizes (3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months) for £29.99. click here for more details

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